What is a clickjacking attack and how is it launched? Clickjacking attacks are also known as user interface (UI) redress attacks and belong to the category of user interface misrepresentation of critical information [0] . In order to launch a clickjacking attack the attacker creates a malicious website by combining multiple layers (transparent and opaque) so as to deceive users who think are clicking a link inside the website they are viewing when in fact they are clicking an invisible superior element [1] . This same technique can be used to “hijack” the pressed keys when the user types in a text field of the malicious website. For the purpose of preparing a website with these characteristics, the attacker needs the following: Be able to embed inside the malicious website the content of another website or web application (the victim of the attack) whose users are to be deceived. This can be achieved by using HTML frame or iframe tags. For example, the website of a bank could...